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m3 Putter

ashdon golf - guided Missile ashdon golf - guided Missile putter
The oversized Guided Missile G-360 M4 mallet putter is designed with a circle the exact size of the golf ball that connects the heel to the toe for the easiest address possible with a putter! Just match the golf ball to the golf ball circle located in the middle of the putter��it��s that easy. Never again will the ball be aligned off the heel or toe. It will always be in the middle for a perfect address.

This unique circle connection creates better stability and control during the putting stroke. Better control keeps the putter head square to the target. More stability eliminates loss of control during the backswing.

The single guideline the height of the golf ball gives the golfer the ability to look over the ball for the easiest alignment ever developed. The triple sight lines on the back of the M4 Guided MIssile Putter reassure the golfer that the putter is square to the target. The single sight line on the back of the Roundabout M3 Guided Missile Putter gives the golfer a simple and easy way of alignment. The Roundabout M3 Guided Missile Putter is slightly lighter than the M4, weighing 350 grams.
ashdon golf - guided Missile putter

Upon impact, the Guided Missile G-360 M4 circle strikes the center of the golf ball for the smoothest roll possible. No more hop, skip or jump. With the mass located directly behind the ball at impact, the golfer gets a solid hit and feel.

Now you can putt with more confidence and consistency. All you have to do is just "Point and Putt".

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